Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The human brain has many intricate parts. It is a very amazing computer. There are a few parts I'd like to talk about here.

One part is the rational or THINKING BRAIN where our thought processes reside. The other part is the EMOTIONAL BRAIN, also known as the LIMBIC SYSTEM, where our emotions live. Anger is one of those emotions. The emotional brain is deep within the rational brain.

When we sense we're being attacked either verbally, physically or psychologically or emotionally, the specific part of the emotional brain known as the AMYGDALA hijacks or shuts down the thinking brain. That's why we may find it difficult or even impossible to recall the details of our angry response or the argument that caused us to get angry in the first place. This shut-down of the thinking brain is a disconnect of the two parts. It's almost like pulling the plug on your computer: it's still sitting exactly where it was however it's just not working.

When this disconnect of the thinking brain occurs, the emotional brain takes over the protection of our bodies and ANGER comes to the surface in order to protect us. Anger is a protective and quite normal emotion. This response occurs very quickly, perhaps in as little as 1 - 2 seconds.

The ANGRY REACTION is a behavioral response we learned as a child when we saw attacks upon others, usually in our families. This is a record of those events, a memory if you will, and is fully set with in us by age two - three.

We carry this response, this behavior, into our adolescent and adult years and it serves to protect us when we're attacked throughout our lives.

However, that response in many cases is in-appropriate behavior.

So what do we need to do to help control our anger?

We need to learn about those attacks coming at us, how to instantaneously recognize them, how to reconnect the emotional and rational parts of the brain and we need to learn new behaviors so we will not get angry with that maladaptive behavior when attacked. Remember we only have 1 - 2 seconds before we get angry. We don't have the time to think about the attack or how we should respond.

Our ANGER MANAGEMENT program teaches how to reconnect and what we need to know to control our STRESSES, enhance our EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE and improve our COMMUNICATION skills. With this knowledge, our new behavior will become automatic so we don't really have to think about it.

For more information, please contact

Dr. Steven J. Sinert, Certified in Anger Management
Nevada Anger Management, LLC
5812S. Pecos Road – Suite B
Las Vegas, NV 89120

702 353 1750

Email: dr.sinert@nevadaangermanagement.com

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