Tuesday, August 14, 2012

CONFLICT RESOLUTION The definition of conflict is fight a, battle or war; an antagonistic state or action; a mental struggle resulting from opposing feelings or needs, wishes, or external or internal demands. To further simplify it, a conflict can be an argument where two or more individuals have differing opinions. One person says one thing and the other says something different and opposing to the first person. It’s like a table tennis game: one person hits the ball to the second and then the second returns it to the first. This back and forth volleying is the same in an argument or conflict. One person says something and the second person perceives what has been said as an attack and hits it back or tries to defend himself or herself. This back and forth volleying of perceived attacks and defenses is an argument or conflict. Control is a behavioral pattern which is inherent in the human species. However, controlling behavior toward another individual is most likely perceived as an attack leading to an argument, anger and conflict all of which can escalate into violence. Our Anger Management program is designed to reduce aggression, improve Interpersonal Assertive skills, improve Empathy, improve Stress Management skills, reduce Interpersonal Aggression and improve Communication skills all with the goal in mind of reducing anger and conflict. For more information, please contact Dr. Steven J. Sinert, Certified Anger Management Provider Nevada Anger Management, LLC 5812 S. Pecos Road – Suite B Las Vegas, NV 89120 702 353 1750 Email: dr.sinert@nevadaangermanagement.com

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