Wednesday, August 15, 2012


SELF-ESTEEM means how an individual feels about their self-worth. If they have low self-esteem they tend to hold things in. People are generally not assertive with low self-esteem and as a result they may not know how to express their feelings and needs. Even in those who do know how, fear of hurting another person often prevents them from being assertive in their communications with others.

The only time we get angry is when we sense we're being attacked. Those attacks are most commonly verbal attacks, but can also be physical or psychological or emotional.

Attacks are hurtful to us. If we are unable to express our feelings of hurt, and our needs, to the individual attacking us how are they supposed to know what we feel and need? The answer is they may not and as a result will continue to hurt us, causing us pain and anger.

When people are plagued by low self-esteem and they're not assertive, they will generally hold their anger in instead of expressing it in an appropriate manner. When this happens the stress of the attack and subsequent anger will build pressure within them, much like the lava in a volcano building pressure, and the next time or at some subsequent time, they will explode in rage, a serious form of anger.

For more information, please contact

Dr.Steven J. Sinert, Certified Anger Management Provider
Nevada Anger Management, LLC
5812 S. Pecos Road – Suite B
Las Vegas, NV 89120

702 353 1750


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Self esteem really effects human behavior. Lots of people lost their temper when they suffer from anger. These types of people really need Anger management.

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