Friday, July 23, 2010

Anger: What is it? What Causes it?

Anger is one of the most misunderstood and overused of human emotions. Anger is a secondary emotion which is designed to protect us and keep us alive. As a secondary emotion it requires a primary emotion to occur first before the anger sets in.

Anger is spontaneous and not a planned action. Anger is the response we evoke when we sense we’re being attacked. That attack can be verbal or physical.

Anger is the response elicited when we’re exposed to stress that’s unresolved which in turn leads to frustration and finally to that angry reaction.

The angry response is actually quite normal, however when it gets out of hand, becomes a way of life, becomes violent toward another person and is just plain inappropriate, an Anger Management program becomes necessary to learn the tools to get one’s behavior back onto a more normal and appropriate path.

Our program is known worldwide. It includes training in Gaining Control of Ourselves, Stress Management, Emotional Intelligence and Communications.

For more information, please contact

Dr. Steven J. Sinert
Nevada Anger Management
871 Coronado Center Drive, Suite 200, Henderson, NV 89052
5812 S. Pecos Road, Suite B, Las Vegas, NV 89102
702 353 1750

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Toxic People!

Who are toxic people?

They are extremely negative, nasty, miserable, whiney, jealous, inconsiderate, selfish and abusive individuals. They can be criminally minded, mentally ill or just plain evil. They might be relatives, friends, co-workers, husbands, wives or even children.

They are also the people who abuse drugs or alcohol and continually hurt other people.

They reside in relationships where they can be abusive to their mates and families. Or they can be “friends” who just continually take advantage and abuse you! By the way, these people are NOT your friends.

Further, they can be the source of their own anger or if they attack you the source of your anger.

Toxic people know no boundaries. They are hurtful and will just drag all the energy out of your life. They will continue this behavior until YOU build the courage to get them out of your life. Once you do they will just move on to their next victim having no more concern for you.

If you’re in an abusive relationship (whether from your husband or wife, or a boyfriend or girlfriend) you must realize that your “love” of this person which is keeping you together is not true love; toxic people need the other person to “love” them so they can continue their hostile, controlling, abusive, intimidating and manipulative behavior.

In our Anger Management program, we teach the skills necessary to gain control of your anger, how to strengthen your stress management skills, how to enhance your emotional intelligence and how to improve your communications ability. We do this in group or private sessions in our offices every day.

For more information, please contact
Dr. Steven J. Sinert
Nevada Anger Management
871 Coronado Center Drive, Suite 200, Henderson, NV 89052
5812 S. Pecos Road, Suite B, Las Vegas, NV 89120
702 353 1750

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nevada Anger Management Announcement!

Dr. Steven J. Sinert, Certified Anger Management Coach and Provider, announces the opening of a second office location at 5812 South Pecos Road, Suite B, Las Vegas, NV 89120.

We provide an in depth skill enhancement program of Anger Management, Stress Management, Emotional Intelligence and Communications in Private or Group formats for Couples, for Corporate Personnel, for Disruptive Executives, for Attorneys requiring Civility Training, for Disruptive Physicians, for individuals requiring Anger Management by Court Mandate or for anyone requiring an Anger Management program. By appointment only.

Our program is recognized by the Federal Government, State and local Governments, Corporations, psychologists and physicians.

For more information, please contact

Dr. Steven J. Sinert
Nevada Anger Management
871 Coronado Center Drive, Suite 200 Henderson, NV 89052
5812 S. Pecos Road, Suite B, Las Vegas, NV 89120
702 353 1750

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Can you get Angry at an Illness?

An individual can absolutely become angry over an extended illness especially if there is difficulty treating it or finding the right physician.

All illnesses are stresses upon us. Stresses that are unresolved can and often do lead to frustration which if unresolved can lead to the angry response.

Anger is the response many people exhibit when they sense they’re being attacked. That attack can come verbally or physically from another person or from any stressful or emotional situation.

Stress Management is a component of our Anger Management program. The best way to tackle stress is by getting regular like walking, non-competitive exercise such as walking, swimming or cycling. Exercise releases endorphins in our bodies which makes us feel good. The effect of the endorphins lasts long after the exercise is over.

So, if you are able, get some exercise with your physician's approval of course.

For more information, please contact

Dr. Steven J. Sinert
Nevada Anger Management, LLC
5812 S. Pecos Road, Suite B, Las Vegas, NV 89120
871 Coronado Center Drive, Suite 200, Henderson, NV 89052
702 353 1750

Self Esteem and Anger

Self Esteem is the worth or value we apply to ourselves. It’s important that we place value upon ourselves so we feel worthy. Self esteem can fluctuate on a daily basis. This is normal. However, people with low self esteem depend on the present to determine how they feel about themselves.

People with low self esteem are typically unassertive in their interpersonal communications. Lack of assertive skills may tend to cause the individual with low self esteem to hold in their anger. This may lead to an eruption of anger which is often very problematic in their relationships.

Our Anger Management program includes the necessary tools to be more assertive in relationships. This is one of the behavioral characteristics we measure at the beginning of the course and again at the end so we can measure the student’s improvement.

A recent study of the scores of students who have completed the course showed an average improvement in interpersonal assertiveness over 75%. This may vary from student to student but usually there is significant improvement. An increase in assertiveness will usually go hand in hand with an elevation of self esteem.

For more information, please contact

Dr. Steven J. Sinert
Nevada Anger Management, LLC
5812 S. Pecos Road, Suite B, Las Vegas, NV 89120
871 Coronado Center Drive, Suite 200, Henderson, NV 89052
702 353 1750