Friday, July 23, 2010

Anger: What is it? What Causes it?

Anger is one of the most misunderstood and overused of human emotions. Anger is a secondary emotion which is designed to protect us and keep us alive. As a secondary emotion it requires a primary emotion to occur first before the anger sets in.

Anger is spontaneous and not a planned action. Anger is the response we evoke when we sense we’re being attacked. That attack can be verbal or physical.

Anger is the response elicited when we’re exposed to stress that’s unresolved which in turn leads to frustration and finally to that angry reaction.

The angry response is actually quite normal, however when it gets out of hand, becomes a way of life, becomes violent toward another person and is just plain inappropriate, an Anger Management program becomes necessary to learn the tools to get one’s behavior back onto a more normal and appropriate path.

Our program is known worldwide. It includes training in Gaining Control of Ourselves, Stress Management, Emotional Intelligence and Communications.

For more information, please contact

Dr. Steven J. Sinert
Nevada Anger Management
871 Coronado Center Drive, Suite 200, Henderson, NV 89052
5812 S. Pecos Road, Suite B, Las Vegas, NV 89102
702 353 1750

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