Friday, December 28, 2007

Why Anger?

Is an angry response to something we desire but cannot have or to a situation we cannot control the only way to respond? Obviously this is not true. So why do people continue to respond this way?

Anger is a normal emotion which is usually not a severe problem.

However, when it causes difficulties in our relationships with our loved ones, with our co-workers or employers, when it is a recurring problem or when it leads to physical distress affecting our health, or worse, when it leads to physical attacks upon others, this anger needs to be addressed.

Anger is a learned response. It begins in childhood and only grows as we get older. It seems to us that getting angry will get us the response we desire. But is that really the case? Are there alternative responses to the things we’re trying to control?

The way to effect a change is to unlearn the angry behavior. And the only effective way to do this is through Anger Management Training classes.

This is not hard to do. The classes are relatively easy but do require your motivation and desire to make a significant change in your behavior.

If you have ever hit your spouse or have ever become involved in an angry, physical altercation, or if you have a recurring history of anger related issues, then perhaps you should consider Anger Management Training.

There are many ways to resolve anger issues. Anger does not have to be part of your life or your relationships.

Dr. Steven J. Sinert
Nevada Anger Management

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