Tuesday, July 30, 2013


MANIPULATING BEHAVIOR is yet another Hurtful Negative Behavior. This is very similar to Controlling Behavior discussed in an earlier blog. I like to consider manipulation as UNDERHANDED CONTROL but control is very direct and to the point, whereas manipulation is rather indirect. Like control it's an attempt to gain one's own advantage using shrewd or devious influence and it's just as hurtful.

CONTROL might sound like, "Don't do that!", but MANIPULATION might sound like, "Don't you think it would be better not to do that?"

When someone tries to manipulate you they are actually trying to get the upper hand over you. This behavior is common, for example, by a salesperson who is trying to get you to make a purchase like, say, an automobile. They want the advantage over you.

In a relationship between intimate partners, whether heterosexual or gay, one person is trying in an indirect way to control the other. No matter your sexual orientation, manipulation is still hurtful to the targeted individual and aggressive in nature and like
other negative behaviors can be perceived as an attack which will elicit an attack back or the angry reaction.

For more information, please contact

Dr. Steven J. Sinert, Certified in Anger Management
Nevada Anger Management, LLC
5812 South Pecos Road, Suite B
Las Vegas, NV 89120

702 353 1750


(c) 2013 Dr. Steven J. Sinert and Nevada Anger Management, LLC

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