Friday, March 29, 2013

A Student's Testimonial

"A few months ago, I had an issue on the job and my employer strongly suggested that I take an Anger Management program. I have to say that I disagreed but went reluctanty mainly to keep my job.

At 6'5" and 240 pounds, I simply dealt with any issues that came my way. I grew up in an alcoholic and verbally abusive environment and that is how I learned to deal with the issues of life. My mother had recently passed away and I didn't know how to properly grieve. This led to even more stress and anger issues.

Much to my dismay, I realize now that I really did need this program. Dr. Sinert has taught me how to deal with stress, my emotions and my anger in a calm positive manner. I have learned how to communicate better with my customers, my fellow employees and my family. I have learned to recognize the warning signs of an episode so I can take a step back and deal with the situation in a better way.

After all was said and done, I have to admit I am glad I was forced to take the course. Without Dr. Sinert's assessment examination and his training me, I would never have known I even had an anger issue. I feel I am better prepared to deal with life's issues." JL - Las Vegas, NV

For more information on how to control your anger and have a better life, please contact

Dr. Steven J. Sinert, Certified in Anger Management
Nevada Anger Management, LLC
5812 S. Pecos Road, Suite B
Las Vegas, NV 89120

702 353 1750

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