Friday, March 29, 2013

A Student's Testimonial

"A few months ago, I had an issue on the job and my employer strongly suggested that I take an Anger Management program. I have to say that I disagreed but went reluctanty mainly to keep my job.

At 6'5" and 240 pounds, I simply dealt with any issues that came my way. I grew up in an alcoholic and verbally abusive environment and that is how I learned to deal with the issues of life. My mother had recently passed away and I didn't know how to properly grieve. This led to even more stress and anger issues.

Much to my dismay, I realize now that I really did need this program. Dr. Sinert has taught me how to deal with stress, my emotions and my anger in a calm positive manner. I have learned how to communicate better with my customers, my fellow employees and my family. I have learned to recognize the warning signs of an episode so I can take a step back and deal with the situation in a better way.

After all was said and done, I have to admit I am glad I was forced to take the course. Without Dr. Sinert's assessment examination and his training me, I would never have known I even had an anger issue. I feel I am better prepared to deal with life's issues." JL - Las Vegas, NV

For more information on how to control your anger and have a better life, please contact

Dr. Steven J. Sinert, Certified in Anger Management
Nevada Anger Management, LLC
5812 S. Pecos Road, Suite B
Las Vegas, NV 89120

702 353 1750
A Student's Testimonial

"AN OPEN LETTER - Yes an old dog can learn a new trick or two!

Not long ago at age seventy-three or so, I was made aware of a few simple truths. Since childhood I had been captive of a necessary emotional attribute - ANGER - a simple biochemical mechanism we are born with for the sole purpose of self-preservation; a fight or flight reaction triggered by sight or sound; a moment we are empowered to react to a perceived danger. Well and good for a self-designated Alpha creature at the top of a complex food chain - I am not that animal any longer.

I now realize that I am an emotional entity capable of making choices. I have known these abstractions but did not accept their validity or value. The human fore-brain is far too complex to be controlled by a still-present reptilian core, hidden deep within our physical brain and our awareness. Dr. Sinert pointed me in a direction of self-healing and awareness that abruptly changed my life and all those within my sphere of influence. I enrolled myself in his Anger Management class after having had an emotional explosion at a movie theater ticket booth, which was embarrassing and potentially dangerous to those nearby.

After a few sessions, I remember saying something on the order of, "You need to bottle this teaching capacity of yours to allow one's taming of their anger!"

Thank you for your help, healing hands and compassion. I love you for it. I am a better and happier human being." JFK, PhD, retired ...and now renewed.

For more information on how to control your anger and have a better life, please contact

Dr. Steven J. Sinert, Certified in Anger Management
Nevada Anger Management, LLC
5812 S. Pecos Road, Suite B
Las Vegas, NV 89120

702 353 1750
A Student's Testimonial

"Dr. Sinert, If there were more people like you in the world,there'd be more smiles like mine. Thank you for making me grow as a
man!" - JR, Las Vegas, NV

For more information on how to control your anger, please contact

Dr. Steven J. Sinert, Certified in Anger Management
Nevada Anger Management, LLC
5812 S. Pecos Road, Suite B
Las Vegas, NV 89120

702 353 1750
A Student's Testimonial

"Throughout-my last 42 years I have had the privilege of playing many great roles on the stage ranging from Titus Andronicus to Blq Daddy Pollock to Dr. Dysart to Col. Jessup, all without fear or anger or humiliation. That I saved for my
own life.

I have lived outside the stage in the darkness of anqer and fear. I thought it was because I was guilty of being unstable and unable to communicate effectively to anyone. I lived alone, without relationships, with only the stage as my "happy place". I thought this was the way it was for me forever. This was my "normal."

Yoo have glven me a new script to play, a new script for me without an ending, a script without fear or anger or humiliation. I call it my new life!

You have enlightened me that a simple defensive function in my brain was the base on which I created a living hell. You have guided me to an understand that I have control of myself by reconnecting to reason. You have directed me into a world where I am no longer ashamed to be me, no longer standing outside life, no longer afraid to be unscripted. You have taught me to communicate assertively. You have taught me how to manage my anger. You have helped me believe that love is a reality for me.

Thank you for allowing me to believe once more in the happy ending. Now I am very hungry to live, very hungry indeed.

You're a great playwright and I am proud to play your script." -JH, LAS VEGAS, NV

For more information on how to control your anger and improve your own life, please contact

Dr. Steven J. Sinert
Certified in Anger Management
Nevada Anger Management, LLC
5812 S. Pecos Road, Suite B
Las Vegas, NV 89120

702 353 1750