Monday, January 19, 2009


"Things had once again reached a toll and I could no longer endure the ongoing and frequent consequences of my anger. Hurting the ones closest to me and not achieving my full potential at work had been a recurring theme in my life for far too long. First I sent an email to Dr. Sinert after finding Nevada Anger Management on the web. He promptly responded with a sincere, friendly message of encouragement to call him so we could set up an appointment. I hesitated because I was initially uncomfortable with the idea of it all. I finally set the appointment and some relief quickly came after making this kind of a commitment to myself.

"During our first meeting I was put at ease and felt very comfortable with Dr. Sinert’s emphasis on using an educational approach as opposed to a therapeutic approach to anger management. This is what really allowed me to actually learn all about my stress, mounting frustrations, and anger outbursts. I have since learned amazingly simple and positive solutions to what I once perceived as insurmountable obstacles. Educating me on others’ and my anger response has provided me the necessary knowledge and insight required for lasting change.

"Dr. Sinert’s constant emphasis on the fundamentals and on the importance of controlling the way I respond to others – rather than attempting to control the way others respond to me – has proven to be invaluable in all of my professional and personal relationships. My ability to do my job well has increased dramatically in very important ways. I can even communicate positively when others push my buttons. As a result, everyone close to me has benefited from my commitment to being involved with Dr. Sinert and the Anderson and Anderson approach to anger management. I highly recommend everyone's involvement in this program!"...CM

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