Friday, June 25, 2010


Aggression is an act of hostility that is directed at an external object or person. It is a forceful behavior, action, or attitude that is expressed physically or verbally. It may arise from innate drives or occur as a defense mechanism, often resulting from a threatened ego.

It can be manifested by either constructive or destructive acts directed toward oneself or against others.

Constructive aggression is an act of self-assertiveness in response to a threatening action for purposes of self-protection and preservation.

Destructive aggression is an act of hostility unnecessary for self-protection or self-preservation that is directed at an external object or person.

Anger is the response that people exhibit when they sense they are being attacked. In other words someone is aggressed upon. This aggression is the constructive type which helps to protect us and which is designed to save our life.

Anger is a secondary emotion which is in response to a primary emotion, very often fear.

If we sense we’re being attacked, verbally or physically, we often respond aggressively back at the attacker by becoming angry. Remember, this is a protective response designed to keep us alive.

Our Anger Management program is a skill enhancement program, the Anderson & Anderson model, which helps us gain control of our selves by incorporating the tools to change our behavior, to improve our Stress Management skills, to understand and use Emotional Intelligence in our relationships and to improve our interpersonal Communications.

For more information, please contact
Dr. Steven J. Sinert
Nevada Anger Management, LLC
702 353 1750

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